Important Telephone Numbers
Customer Service
1-800-777-4376 TDD/TTY 1-800-947-3529
Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Nurse Advice Line
Call 24 hours-a-day, 7 days a week
Interpreter Services
English – For help to translate or understand this, please call 1-800-777-4376 (TTY 1-800-947-3529)
Spanish – Si necesita ayuda para traducir o entender este texto, por favor llame al teléfono 1-800-777-4376 (TTY 1-800-947-3529)
Russian – Если вам не всё понятно в этом документе, позвоните по телефону 1-800-777-4376 (TTY 1-800-947-3529)
Hmong – Yog xav tau kev pab txhais cov ntaub ntawv no kom koj totaub, hu rau 1-800-777-4376 (TTY 1-800-947-3529)
Choosing A Primary Care Doctor
When you need care, it is important to call your primary care doctor first. It is important to choose a primary care physician to manage all your health care. You can choose a primary care physician from the list of doctors accepting new patients. They are marked in the iCare Provider Directory.
HMO doctors are sensitive to the needs of many cultures. To choose or change a primary care doctor, call our Customer Service at 1-800-777-4376. Your primary care doctor will help you decide if you need to see another doctor or specialist. If appropriate, he or she will give you a referral. Remember, you must get approval from your primary care doctor before you see another doctor.
Women may see a women’s health specialist, such as an Obstetrician and Gynecologist (OB/GYN) or nurse midwife, without a referral in addition to choosing from their primary care doctor.
Using Your ForwardHealth ID Card

This is your iCare Health Insurance Card
Your ForwardHealth ID card is the card you will use to get your health plan benefits. Your ForwardHealth ID card is your health insurance card. Always carry your ForwardHealth ID card with you and show it every time you go to the doctor or hospital and every time you get a prescription filled. You may have problems getting health care or prescriptions if you do not have your card with you. Also bring any other health insurance cards you may have. This could include any ID card from your HMO or other service providers. If lost or stolen, call 1-800-362-3002.
FREE 24/7 Nurse Advice Line
As an iCare member, you can talk to a Nurse any time, day or night. A caring nurse can help you make smart decisions about your health.
NurseAdvice Line can give you peace of mind and help when you:
• Wonder whether you need to book a visit
• Need info about drugs, medical tests, or procedures.
• Want to learn how to take care of a new or chronic condition.
• Want to find ways to talk more effectively with your healthcare provider.
• Have questions about how you or your family can stay healthy.
You can call 1-800-679-9874 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
Get The Care You Need
Urgent Care
Urgent care is care you need sooner than a routine doctor’s visit, but it is not emergency care. Some examples of urgent care are:
- Bruises
- Minor burns
- Minor cuts
- Most broken bones
- Most drug reactions
- Bleeding that is not severe
- Sprains
You must get urgent care from iCare doctors unless you first get our approval to see a non-iCare doctor.
Emergency Care
Emergency care is care needed right away. Some examples are:
- Choking
- Long or many seizures
- Serious broken bones
- Severe burns
- Severe pain
- Severe bleeding
- Heart attack
- Poisoning
- Suspected stroke
- Trouble breathing
- Passing out
If you need emergency care, try to go to an iCare provider for help. If your condition cannot wait, go to the nearest provider (hospital, doctor, or clinic). Call 911 or your local police or fire department emergency services if the emergency is very severe and you are unable to get to the nearest provider.
If you must go to a non-iCare hospital or provider, call iCare at 1-800-777-4376 as soon as you can and tell us what happened.
Remember, hospital emergency rooms are for true emergencies only. Unless you have a true emergency, call your doctor or our 24-hour emergency number at 1-800-777-4376 before you go to the emergency room. If you do not know if your illness or injury is an emergency, call our Nurse Advice Line at 1-800-679-9874. Call 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week. We will tell you where you can get care.
Care When You Are Away From Home
Follow these rules if you need medical care but are too far away from home to go to your regular primary care doctor or clinic:
For true emergencies, go to the nearest hospital, clinic, or doctor. Call iCare at 1-800-777-4376 as soon as you can to tell us what happened.
For urgent or routine care away from home, you must first get approval from us to go to a different doctor, clinic or hospital. This includes children who are spending time away from home with a parent or relative. Call us at 1-800-777-4376 for approval to go to a different doctor, clinic or hospital.
If you Move
If you are planning to move, contact your current Income Maintenance (IM) agency. If you move to a different county, you must also contact the IM agency in your new county to update your eligibility.
If you move out of iCare’s service area, call the HMO Enrollment Specialist at 1-800-291-2002. The HMO Enrollment Specialist will help you choose a new HMO that serves your new area.
Visit this map of Income Maintenance Agencies in Wisconsin to view their addresses and contact info.
Health and Wellness Resources
Visit our Health and Wellness Resources page for info about help quitting smoking and the prevention of Breast Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease and more.
Know When to Get Shots
Visit our Immunization Schedule page, where you can find recommended shots for you and your family.
Find Important Documents and Info
Visit our Member Documents page, where you can find a library of all the documents you’ll ever need. View all documents or Sort and Filter by plan, or by keyword, to make it easy to find what you are looking for.
When You May Be Billed for Services
When You Have Questions or Problems
Learn more about BadgerCare Plus Covered Services and Copays
Please review your Member Handbook for a complete description of covered services.
iCare BadgerCare Plus Plan Member Handbook
iCare SSI Medicaid Plan Member Handbook